The foundation of Buddhism

Buddhism Buddhist Buddha


Buddhism is a "religion" simple and profound: in everyday life preaches a form of supervision of the mind to the thoughts, actions and words are always manifestations of a friendly attitude towards others. It 's the heart of love that puts others above one's own self, in this principle is contained the wisdom in existence. Anyone who understands that everything, every being and every concept exists only in relation to other things, beings and concepts, approaches the awakening and the transition to a state of permanent happiness.
Who is able to eliminate ignorance and replace it with true wisdom ceases to suffer, because understanding the true nature of existence we are freed from the illusions of samsara, so you wake up and there is subtracted from the endless cycle of births and deaths and rebirths.
If you do not put an end to samsara, life and death are entirely governed by the laws of Karma, which induce the infinite repetition of the cycle of rebirths in the Six Realms of Existence. The quality of rebirth and the kingdom in which implements are determined by your Karma (law of cause and effect) that gives life its own moral code.
The Buddha advised to perform only actions that create positive Karma, because it has the power to bring about the renaissance in circumstances favorable to the practice of Dharma, or so say those who run the Buddhist monasteries, because the Buddha has stated that Karma you can fix and change here and now ..
Practicing Dharma means to prove generous, have a good heart, purify the negative karma and create positive Karma. It also means taking the spiritual path to enlightenment.
In the practice of Dharma emerge 4 immeasurable mind, sublime states of being that are:
Sublime equanimity: the freedom from dependence to like some and despise others, allowing you to remain calm and detached.
Sublime compassion, the wish that all beings be free from pain.
Sublime happiness and joy in the liberation of all beings.
Sublime loving kindness: the wish that all beings be happy.

Buddhism does not believe in a supernatural creator, and omniscient God. Salvation is not borrowed by the intervention of a divine entity, which among other things served to entrap people's minds in the sense of guilt (if you're bad you will not be saved by God), the teachings of the Buddha show in practice compassion and loving kindness to all beings, coupled with meditation, the means to attain wisdom. The wisdom and compassion together lead to liberation and awakening.
In Buddhism, the prayers are supplications to the Buddha to receive the wisdom needed to understand the truth of existence, all beings have Buddha nature.
There are different schools of Buddhist practice, but all traditions recognize the four Noble Truths and the Path nell'Ottuplice means free from the cycle of rebirth and death.
The 4 Noble Truths are:

The existence condition is pain.
The causes of pain are the negative emotions of the mind.

There was an existence in which all pain ceases.
The way to stop all suffering is to follow the Eightfold Path.

While the Eightfold Path is as follows:

  • Right View
  • Good intentions
  • Right Speech
  • Right action
  • Righteous livelihoods
  • Right mindfulness
  • Right concentration.

Transforming the mind crude, materialistic and self-centered in the heart of compassion is an extremely nice long and difficult process, it is embarking on a spiritual path that leads to become sages and saints. They are seeking the perfection of wisdom. Buddha knows that it is a challenging trip, having it done in person, and sustains us with his words, even if old.

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