Guide esotericism and symbology
This term comes from the greek esoterikos (inside, inside) and historically refers to the sacred mysteries in all the paganism and Catholicism. In Greece there were the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Orphic and Dionysian. In the Roman Empire spread well as those of Mithras and Isis.
There was the secret jargon to hide the allegorical teachings and preserve them from desecration together with the related rites. The center of the mysteries was the initiation or the body seen as a liberation from prison of the soul. In fact, the mystery religions, Gnosticism as that was a sort of infiltration into Christianity, Judaism and the Kabbalah, Sufism in Islam, and believed the doctrine of preexistence dell'ensomatosi heavenly spirit.
This is considered divine spirit descended into the body and is purified through several lives from evil to you to return to their heavenly home and be reintegrated among the gods. Buddhism still speaks of the descent of Mount Meru divas and their progressive materialization.
These doctrines were taught that there is a "divine spark" in man and that man is temporally limited while the particle light transcends time. It is the non-awareness that keeps the spark in the state of illusion and human freedom is the realization that making it become fully conscious. The resurrection was part of the myth of the mysteries for which there was death to the human and the divine birth state.
All this was represented by the death of the god or demi-god and his resurrection. Among the Mithraic you should win believed that astral powers to escape from their bonds demiurges and ascend to the perfect state. The Kabbalists call it Courthouse meaning "Justice" 's balance over the opposition. Platonism, Pythagoreanism, Neoplatonism are all current mystery. And there are the mysteries of Hinduism. But this happens in many people.
In philosophical language, the term "esoteric" features reserved for the teaching of the ancient Greek philosophers, especially Pythagoras and Aristotle to the disciples alone, as opposed to exoteric, with the meaning of "external", that is, for the uninitiated, or those who do not were initiated to understand the language of the adepts. Exoteric school classes were defined Peripatetic more easy listening, which then passed the attribute to Aristotle's works for the general public.
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