Shamanism Indians


Shamanism Indians

Shamanism Indians

Shamanism is the oldest method of using an altered state of consciousness for healing and problem-solving. Shamans were the first healers and helpers in the life and death, the early sages and visionaries. The Paleolithic cave drawings show that shamanism has existed for over thirty years.

Survives today, some still intact, in those parts of America, Africa, North Europe and Siberia, which were less influenced by modern civilization.

Shamanism Shamanism or is currently experiencing a resurgence in the contemporary world in search of lost roots, new routes to healing and a deeper sense of life, more and more people are turning to the ancient knowledge of shamans.

Many are in the primordial connection with nature and ancient vision of a shaman's way out of the mindless race to success and wealth, and the isolation created by a materialistic society and technology.

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