Fukushima nuclear disaster news


nuclear disaster newsNews on the Fukushima nuclear disaster took place on March 11, 2011, information that is not reported by the press, both local and global, as if it never happened ...



Fukushima News Japan

In recent weeks, you are no longer heard of the disaster which occurred at Fukushima, which has affected millions of people, both in Japan and around the world. Nuclear disasters passing lightly to news agencies worldwide, esteeming themselves free from obvious political obligations that they would like people to think, as often happens to feel, that nuclear power is safe. Well in addition to being safe is also too dangerous, and to testify are the facts of which we speak here only the ones that were not disclosed on the developments of the matter is that regardless of the background is not revealed, but now we'll talk. Let's say, first, that currently are being recorded in Japan, near the areas affected by the tragedy of the nuclear power plant, high concentrations of radioactive cesium arising from the ashes of household waste in Tochigi, area surrounding the disaster, this means that a quantity of Cesium Certas arrives yet the nuclear power plant.

Since the beginning of 2012, the levels of this radioactive substance, not only are decreasing but they are also dangerously depositing in the life cycle of the ecosystem, especially as found in the city of Ashikaga, Tochigi (185 km from Fukushima), and this ash being talked about is not derived from debris generated by the disaster but only from the ashes of domestic waste, and what a lot of suspicious given that it continues to assert that all is well.
From the analysis could be seen as this substance decrescesse until March, taken from the data reported in June but then had a new peak, indicating that there are some things that are not and do not want to tell us.

TEPCO the agency that owns the plant in question, stated that it is monitoring the temperatures inside the reactors but deed as now, by what they say scrupulous Japanese citizens, it remains only one of the thermometers that monitor what actually happens to 'inner nuclear engine, and it very suspicious having nothing to correct the behavior of both the owners of the company of its leaders, it is clear that TEPCO had forced nine of its technicians with lead to shield the detectors of radioactivity (it would of temporary workers hired for four months so that it can not then sue for any service connected injuries) and this has completely bust measurements of the levels of risk which have not been disclosed either by governmental authorities, in a childish and insane attempt to keep everything under control, public opinion in the first place, because the company's shares not collapsed completely and dividends would not be in peak.

The thing is extremely serious and confirms the worst assumptions made about the underestimation of radiation inside the reactor buildings, proposing a scenario that is very similar to that of Chernobyl, with the "liquidators" sent to the slaughterhouse nuclear. Tepco uses the dosimeters to decide how workers can stay inside plants without exceeding the limit (highest) government emergency exposure of 50 millisieverts per year. Radiation per hour recorded where they worked the "liquidators" in subcontracting ranged between 0.3 and 1.2 millisieverts. At least 9 "liquidators" have succumbed to the blackmail precarious work against health, but three refused to take dosimeters loaded and now openly denounce a crime to believe all this. It is unclear whether the rigged dosimeters have been used by other subcontractors.

A recent study at Stanford University said that 15 and 1,300 people could die as a result of exposure to radiation from Fukushima, perhaps, in the light of what is emerging, the figure could be very optimistic. In fact, according to the Japanese agency Kyodo News, some investigations have shown these behaviors own highly damaging to the health of popolazionoe and public information, apart from this, they concluded that the Tokyo Electric Power & Co has mishandled its response to the crisis and regulation of the nuclear industry and failed to prepare adequate mitigation of disasters, since it was "overly confident" about the safety of nuclear power plants. The commission established by the Japanese government to investigate the incident, has heavily criticized the way in which the utility has managed the disaster, thus disproving the same company and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that a few days ago he complimented the prompt reaction of Japan and urged the Government to continue to keep under control closely what is happening at Fukushima Daiichi.

Meanwhile, new analyzes on fish indicate that 85% of the fish present in the area showed a rate of cesium exceeding acceptable levels in order to be sold or eaten, though the prefecture of Fukushima is already trying to sell the fish area but it is unclear whether it is because no one tells them the real situation today or just because they have been ordered to sell radioactive fish, while Italian consumers are warned from buying Japanese products, even if the Italian authorities should ensure the genuineness of the products , because as has been amply demonstrated by history and facts, the Government can not be trusted if we are under economic interests. An e-mail sent to the local press emergency by TEPCO, has warned that by monitoring gas pipes inside the plant would be a leak on the first floor of the second reactor dell'ìedificio turbines, which the experts have established with the "tape" to stop the leak: the agency TEPCO has not released, however, statements of radioactive leaks derived incident.

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