Dreams interpretation: Metamorphosis


Dreams interpretation: MetamorphosisDREAMING THE METAMORPHOSIS

In dreams related to metamorphosis in the first place you should consider the amount, then the quality, on the form. With regard to quantity, when you grow up in a small or larger than life, is a good sign, as long as you do not exceed the measure of man's dreams ....


In dreams related to metamorphosis in the first place you should consider the amount, then the quality, on the form. With regard to quantity, when you grow up in a small or larger than life, is a good sign, as long as you do not exceed the measure of man's dreams because these dreams indicate a growth not of the body but of business and revenue dreamer. Instead dream of being grown beyond the measure of man foretells death to those who have made the dream, and if one dreams that their son become a man, the child will die.

Even for an old bad turn into a baby, as it is a warning of death. On the other hand, is a good sign for a man to turn into a young man and a young man turn into a boy, both of which are transformed into a more handsome. It 'also a good sign for a guy turn into a young man for a young man turn into a man and a man turn into an old man, because each of them is transformed in a more honored. If it is a young man to turn into an old man, will not die as is the boy, but will get sick, then if a man turns into a child, will suffer damage from some business conducted with lightly, since it is true that the poet says: " always the minds of the younger men are unstable. " Now, what about the quality of metamorphosis. If a man turns into a woman, a good sign for a poor man who will keep it, as it happens to a woman.

For a rich man this is a bad dream, especially if you carry on political activity because most of the women stayed at home, and then the dream alienate the subject from any public office. For sports this dream foretells a disease, because women are weaker than men. If a woman is transformed into a man, if he is still single if you are married and have no children generate a male, and it will turn into a masculine nature. If she has a husband and children, will become a widow, in fact, a man does not need another man, but a woman.

If a man or a woman dreaming of becoming gold or silver, will make a poor luck, because being surrounded by these metals, and rich will be the subject of conspiracies, as the gold and silver always attract many pitfalls . The sick, this dream foretells death in any case, in the same way that dreams of having become bronze, except for athletes and for slaves: the first in fact win and in their honor will be erected a statue, the second will be released as images of free men who are exposed are made of bronze. Has the same meaning as set out in the square to see a picture or a statue of themselves in bronze. The metamorphosis iron promises untold calamities, will have to endure to old age, we say that those who endure many misfortunes are made of iron or steel. Dreaming of becoming a terracotta or clay announces death to all but those who work with clay or earth.

Dream of being stone announces wounds and amputations, since it is not possible for someone to be depicted in stone without the use of iron. In a corresponding manner it must interpret the transformation in any other material. If you dream of being turned into an animal, should be brought to the interpretation of the nature of the animal, and what will be discussed in the second book, dealing with the hunt.

All I have generally observed that are conducive to the beauty and distinction of body and strength, provided they do not exceed the nature of man, as distinct dream of being beautiful or strong or so superhuman has the same outcome that dream of being bad or paralytic, or do not have strength and everything indicates death to those who are sick, unemployment and a long illness in those who are well.

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