Reiki techniques third level


THIRD DEGREE REIKI How to use the techniques

In the third degree initiations are given little energy, it's more of an impact the new symbols in the aura of someone who decides that his mission will be to teach, accepting the risk should they act Karmic pushed for greed or lust for the limelight.
Those who decide to become a Reiki Master, and I wrote it voluntarily capitalized the first letter just now, must understand that I must accept to bring peace, serenity, to help those in need, reaching even to sacrifice himself if necessary to the good of others.
Anyone making more speeches or deviating from what is only protecting its revenue ...

At this level, are taught the new symbols, some of which will be used only for initiations, others that may increase the flow of energy or solve particular problems during treatment, they are:

  • Dai-Ko-Myo
  • Raku
  • the Antahkarana






Here I will not spend too much use of these symbols, because even if the Reiki techniques can not be used intentionally to cause harm, however, can be very dangerous in the hands of those who stood titles that do not deserve, so I'll stop here, hoping that such information is sufficient for those who just wanted to indulge his curiosity.

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