Pilates application in rehabilitation


Pilates application in the field of rehabilitation

The need for the application of Pilates in rehabilitation technology has created the need for new coding protocols.
The full set of exercises can work not only segmental muscle, but coordination of all body regions.

The Pilates method allows you to use all spatial planes.
The work is often performed in the exhaust, allowing the maintenance of a correct alignment of the spine.
Any type of muscular work is possible with the various tools: with the sole exception of the work isokinetic, exercises are possible both in contraction both in extension muscle.

The Pilates method is consistent with the principles of physiology and biomechanics.

The Pilates method slows the aging process. Approaching the third age the body becomes less responsive and flexible. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in bone density and the volume of lean body mass. The exercises of J. Pilates strengthen and stretch the muscles at the same time, helping you develop the right level of mobility, lean mass and bone density.

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