Rune meaning Ingwaz

 Rune Meaning Ingwaz

Rune meaning Ingwaz

Name: Ingwaz, or Enguz Iggws, Ing, Yngvi.
Sound: ng
Symbolic Meaning: The God ancestors, the God of the earth, heart-expanding fixation.

Ingwaz the rune of sexuality.

The God Ing was very popular among the Danes and the coasts of the North Sea, the ingaevones descend from it, Yngvi is also a name of Freyr, from which the Swedish royal family will draw your name.

The worship of God is linked to Mr. Goddess Nerthus, which is actually the paredro: he too is given a culture tank. The rune represents the reserves of energy and the masculine polarity of the earth is always spoken of Mother Earth, but it can not be fruitful without the male principle.

Allows the action on the Earth plane, can be embodied, ensures the success of fertility rites, helps to meditate and focus their energies, store and release them at the appropriate time; is related to sexual magic and male orgasm is not orgasm itself, but just prior. In Tantrism and in all the teachings of the gender goal is to retain his semen to store energy and transform it: Ingwaz represents that very process.

With the rune Ingwaz we have to deal with the future of the human family from a physical point of view, genetic, what will become of humanity, thanks to our contribution, our children, grandchildren, will build the world of tomorrow, will inhabit the Our responsibility as parents is not limited to giving birth to new lives, but also in their hands to deliver a world where we can live, or that is worth living.

Inguz is the seed hidden in the ground at the appropriate time to prepare the sprout and represents a new form of invisible, plant, animal, or human society in the northern great importance was the concept of family as a collection of individuals linked together by descent from a ancestor comune.Con Ingwaz we have to deal with the future of the human family from a physical point of view, genetic, what will become of humanity, thanks to our contribution, our children, grandchildren, will build the world of tomorrow will inhabit , our responsibility as parents do not simply give birth to new lives, but also in their hands to deliver a world where we can live, or that is worth living.

Inguz is the seed hidden in the ground at the appropriate time to prepare the sprout and represents a new form of invisible, plant, animal, or human society in the northern great importance was the concept of family as a collection of individuals linked together by descent from a common ancestor.

Rune Meaning

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