Feng shui VASTU Indian yoga of living


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 VASTU and the laws of nature

The Vastu, the ancient Vedic science of construction, is based on eternal laws of nature according to which have been built for thousands of years, temples, houses and whole cities in India. The ancient sages understood fact that the design space has an important influence on the man who lives there and his destiny. The experience of generations of architects and builders Vedic confirmed this idea and added more information (Vastu Feng Shui). This tradition is still alive in India today, and offers the best symbiosis between architecture and modern man.

The Vastu considers the house as a microcosm containing all the energies and forces acting in the universe, a lens that focuses the forces of nature and the cosmos, and then connect the space with its inhabitants. Depending on its characteristics such lens hinders or promotes human development. Every human being is unique and therefore the Vastu provides a path for the design of individual spaces. To create a dwelling harmonic laws timeless Vedic architecture are based on the particularized characteristics of the people who occupy the spaces.

Originally, the space has no form, but when the primordial elements begin to vibrate the material takes the form which appears as elementary particles, atoms, molecules, etc.. and all this happens in the space-time. Once an area is defined, for example with a fence or a building, but only with a purchase contract, it manifests itself in a field of energy (a kind of field interference results from the intersection of the space-time with our conscious awareness) that Vastu is the Vastupurushamandala (mean mandala design, layout) and the square matrix that forms the base of each lot, building or home. The Vastu admits so the square as a primordial form of space, this concept, dating back thousands of years ago, corresponds to the discoveries of contemporary physicist Burkhard Heim, who has called the six-dimensional space-time as a two-dimensional grid of small squares called metronidazole or cells infinitesimal of space.

In Vedic philosophy, these are called bindu and metronidazole can be considered a sort of "two-dimensional points" which serve as the basic building blocks of all creation. The most important areas of Vastupurushamandala are the angles, which are joined in two directions. These places are full of concentrated energy of dynamic tension that develops as one of the four main elements (earth, water, fire and air).
The energy field of a lot or a house, which in Sanskrit is called Vastu, is therefore a conscious space that in Vedic philosophy is conceived as a deity, Vastupurusha.

He has the head turned towards the northeast and feet to the southwest, creating a diagonal northeast-southwest key. At the point that corresponds to the navel is an important channel through which energy cosmic energies spread in the square. From that point the energy flows to the northeast, the head of Vastupurusha, and then rises. On the opposite side of the energies that flow from the southwest push down, connect the earth and form the foundations that gave stability and unity with the matter. Considered as a whole, the Vastupurushamandala energy vortex whose polarity is the main northeast-southwest axis and that the secondary diagonal southeast-northwest. The Southeast is the dynamic energy of the fire while the Northwest embodies the principle of movement and exchange of air element.

The five elements of metaphysics are the foundation of Vedic Vastu, Vedic astrology, Jyotish and Ayurveda and is therefore natural that there is a close connection between all these sciences. In particular, the Vastu is closely connected to astrology as well as space and time are inextricably linked by Einstein in his famous and still to date not fully understood the theory of General Relativity. Astrology and Vastu in the house of every person are closely linked so that an expert Vastu consultant can be traced back to the horoscope of the owner simply looking at his house and vice versa.
Understanding Vedic astrology is to understand the nature of the planets, it is based and is characterized by the meaning that each planet and each planet has a relationship with others.

Each direction is governed by a planet whose characteristics are conducted in terms of quality and defects which then permeate the region of space allocated and determine the functions and use. Vedic Astrology Jyotish focuses specifically on the quality of time, is a very sophisticated science based on ancient Sanskrit texts such as Surya Siddhanta and the Siddhanta Shiromani and supports the Vastu at different levels. It is useful to understand the best time to buy a home, it is useful to calculate the best time to start the construction work, to lay the foundations, to enter the main door, to inaugurate the house, etc.. But it becomes even more important in its function as "indirect" in determining the geometric structure of Vastupurushamandala and qualities of the directions, and customize in any building in relation to its inhabitants. Each of us has a direction such as "personal" favorite that is in harmony with their particular field of bioenergy. Other directions can have negative effects, and sometimes also affect health status. Also, having a clear idea of karmic path and the challenges a person faces in life helps us understand the type of relationship established with the environment and with the house.


Vastu Hinduism position body

The Sun, assigned to the east, is beneficial to health if it fits the room for meditation and prayer to the northeast or east. Venus, assigned to a southeasterly direction, favors the eloquence, the charm and beauty through stays well positioned to the east, west, north and northwest, and bedrooms on the west, south or southwest. Mars, assigned to the south, brings discipline, power and energy and promotes wealth and prosperity if the kitchen is to the southeast. Rahu, the planet's shadow, lunar ascending node, assigned to the southwest direction, is generally the bearer of negative influences, but protects the house and its inhabitants if the door is located to the north, northeast or east. Saturn, assigned to the west, blessed with discipline and order if the dining room is located to the west or east or south or west of the pantry. Moon, who is assigned the northwest direction, promotes good mental disposition and brings benefit through proper positioning and use bathrooms and energizes and purifies the water to the northeast, also enhances personal relationships if there is room for Guests to the northwest. Mercury, assigned to the North, is responsible for finances, work and study that enhances and promotes the study and if the offices are conveniently positioned to the north and if the guest room was built in the northwest.

Jupiter rules the northeast, the direction for the most important Vastu, and fosters respect, happiness, growth and abundance, protects your valuables when located in the north and the children's rooms if they are situated to the west or northeast. Vedic astrology the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, although planets in all respects, are ignored as not considered as bearers of particular influences or "signifiers", in Sanskrit graha.

The Vedic Astrology can provide indications of extreme importance to harmonize and balance a house whose energies are blocked or whose energy field is disturbed by unhealthy flows of energy or any other interference. As we will see not only can you build your house in harmony with the Earth energies and energy personally, but it is also possible to correct the defects of a building already constructed, allowing the bioenergetic field of Vastu to flow properly and bring the right benefits to its inhabitants.


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