

Symbols esoteric meaning Trees

The plants that existed long before you develop living beings on earth, whose life was made possible by the evolution of plant life significantly influenced the other species, the fate of the human species was in fact, from the beginning, linked to that of the trees that were considered sacred in all civilizations of the past (except from our own) that formed the center around which organized the natural world and supernatural.

In mythology, the trees are the agents of privileged communication between the three worlds: the abissiinferi, the surface of the earth and sky.
Since ancient times men sought to plant protection and comfort, lighting and council, the tree is an expression of life that constantly regenerates itself, perhaps for the fact that our parents often took refuge in trees to escape certain death by carnivorous animals, or because the trees were giving shade in places where the sun could kill, and finally the plants of this kind could donate food ready and good to eat.

Mystics and shamans, sages, philosophers, artists and alchemists semrpe linked to the symbolism of the tree and disturbing the eternal questions of humanity, good and evil, life and death, knowledge, human and divine, But there is another relationship between the human world and the tree that is wood.
Wood to make fire to warm and then associated with the smoke rising into the sky, but the wood as raw material for the craftsman, linked to the theoretical and practical knowledge, there is in fact a complete omonomia between the noun "science" and noun "wood" in all the Celtic languages and in Hebrew translation is a relationship between the "tree" and "word".

The totality of Christian symbolism revolves around the basic symbol is the cross and that as the tree expresses the vertical that rises from earth to heaven (in certain representations of the crucifixion, Christ is nailed to a cross but on a tree) In times more archaic sacred places representing the cosmos in miniature were made of trees, rocks and water, or a sacred precinct, which contained an altar, a stone and a tree, as if they are still in India.
It was on such an altar at the foot of a sacred tree that Buddha sat when, sacrificing their own individual, attained enlightenment.

The worship of trees was considered so rooted in the Nordic peoples that the Council of Tours in 789 AD tried to suppress it by banning the worship of sacred groves, to make sacrifices next to the springs and rocks, but the pagan festivals continued to be celebrated and men accrosero early Church that the Christian religion, despite his lawyers, would not be successful Then to uproot entrenched values, as suggested by St. Augustine, pagan trees were carved crosses and relics they put in the trunks.
In Greek mythology are many deities associated with trees, like the nymph Daphne, the laurel, leuke the white poplar, the lime Philyra, Pitidis the black poplar, the cypress Cipariso, Phyllis, the almond, etc., but it is also important to note that in the mythology of all the nations where there is a particular tree, is also a snake that is the guardian, in addition to the account of creation is sufficient to see the golden fleece, the apples of the Hesperides, the ash tree Yggdrasil ..

At each tree, the Celts had a special significance especially ash, sacred tree of Norse mythology: not just the trees, but also their fruits have a role in the body of the mythical ancient civilizations such as the olive tree that was worshiped because with the oil extracted from its fruits lamps were lit, and this brought the light in the hours of darkness tied at night, like a continuation of the day, in periods in which no esistavano electricity and other technologies to shed light into the darkness.

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