The point and the circle


The point and the circle

The point and the circle

The dot represents the limit state of abstraction volume, the center, the origin, the principle of emanation and the end of the return, designating the growing power and termmine of all things, indicates one more element in geometric figures and the center of the circle is transformed into binduche, is that in Hinduism, in Buddhism, represents the male force in contrast to the circle that symbolizes the female.

The same symbolism is found among Native Americans, where the dot in the center of the circle is the symbol of the Sun: ilcerchio is primarily a point and extended part of his perfection, so the point and the circle have symbolic properties common to perfection, homogeneity , the absence of division and distinction, at the center of the circle all the radii have the drive and only one point contains in itself all the straight lines in relation alprincipio single from which they derive.

The circular motion is perfect, unchangeable, without beginning nor end, nor change, and as such symbolizes the sun and its movement, it is found with the same meaning for every civilization in this respect it is interesting to note that, since fruit of the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, the apples of the Hesperides and any fruit or seed or edible grass, all have shaped or circular.
The first means of subsistence of man have always been this way since there are no trees or plants that produce fruits or triangular square, the circle is a symbol of the planetary revolutions, the annual cycle of seasons and crop rotation quinid suggests the idea of movement and rotation, it is a closed form what is inside the circle is oriented, empowered and bounded, the sun is often represented by a circle and so the full moon, time itself can be represented by the circle as dell'Uroborus the symbol, the coiled serpent biting its tail.

The circle is universally the symbol of what is heavenly, heaven, God, the soul, as opposed to the square symbol of the Earth: the Babylonians divided into 360 degrees, and have decomposed into six segments of 60 degrees while gaining the concept of time infinite cyclic and universal that it is transmitted in antiquity, it also represents eternity in Christian iconography, from the Native Americans and the Celtic world.
As wraparound is a symbol of protection and are therefore often used as a defense cordon around the city, the temples and tombs, to prevent enemies, the wandering souls and demons from entering.

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