Norse gods


Norse Mythology Gods

Norse gods: Heimdal

As Odin is the power to see what you could not before, Heimdal is the god who embodies the power to hear what the words say, to hear sounds quieter than escape normal hearing, this god sacrificed part of himself, namely his ear, and
This gave him clairaudience, clairvoyance as well as Odin obtained. Heimdal is the power broker between Asgard and Midgard, between heaven and earth, or place in the middle, and also transmits knowledge secret: his rune is Mannaz.

Norse gods: Tyr

Tyr personifies justice and the common good, was dedicated on Tuesday (Tue's-day), represents the eternal planner who knows the structure of things and is therefore able to maintain order in all planes of existence.
Alongside the creative activity of Odin playing the role of modeler forms, is the power the rational mind, logic and good judgment, his rune is Tiwaz.

Norse gods: Thor

He was the god of war, armed with a deadly hammer that even if thrown away back always in his hands, was dedicated on Thursday (Thur's-day), his power is to keep bay the forces of chaos, presides over lightning and thunder, natural forces that sweep away the old cleaning and freshening the atmosphere.
The hammer is not so much a weapon of war as a symbol of male generative force labor force, which achieves its aims through the physical effort and application of mind, Thor is the physical strength, firmness, fairness and protection from hostile forces and destructive: the Thor Thurisaz Rune.

Norse gods: Frey

Frey means "lord" and personifies peace, plenty, pleasure and sexual love, is a god of this world, a benevolent protector of the strength of natural vegetation was invoked as a god of fertility and abundance. His rune is Ingwaz.

Norse gods: Baldur

Baldur, whose name means "prince" is the god of light and lighting and is associated eloquence and joy, is the power of reconciliation and persuasion, to him and the sun was dedicated on Sunday (Sun-day) and his rune is Sowilo fact.

Norse gods: Freyja

Embodies the feminine beauty, and its power is that of beauty and sexual pleasure, the Its name means "lady" and was dedicated on Friday (Fri-day, Freya's day): His rune is Gebo.

Norse gods: Fry

Sometimes likened to Freyja, the goddess is "lovable", the power of the covenant of love, marriage, of pregnancy, childbirth and reconciliation, as well as the cohesive power of the family: His rune is Perthro.

Norse gods: Hands

And 'the god of the moon (which in Norse mythology is male, while the sun is feminine), presides over the timing marks and the natural processes, he was dedicated on Monday (Mon-day, Moon's day) and his rune is Naudhiz, the strength of the changes within cycles.

The Norns

They personified the principle of cause and effect and of evolutionary change, they feminine appearance and were considered the spinners of fate (not the creators), thereby indicating that the individual is largely responsible for his fate, even before an element "Random" is the answer to the event causing unexpected results.
The oldest of the three Norns Urd is ("origin", or "what has been shot"), meaning that it is originated by past actions, the second is Verdandi ("what is running") and governs the present, or the result of the past.
The third is that Skuld is the youngest, "the dispenser": dispenser of what? Dispenser of fate, of what is destined to take shape in the passing of time, she weaves Future weaving the threads of past and present.
The Norns was dedicated on Saturday, and their rune is the rune of fate, the empty one ..
Obviously there were many more in the tradition of Nordic deities connected with the runes, but this is not a treatise on the gods, but only wants to be an introduction to howthinking and understanding of those peoples who produced the knowledge associated with them.


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