Guide to Futhark Rune


Guide to Rune Futhark

Various techniques to implement in everyday life, the ancient knowledge of the Nordic religion

Systems which allow us the runes, to be put into use in everyday life, are varied, and depend very much on the degree of preparation of the subject and what is expected or wants to obtain. Below I will give only the basics, which will be useful to all, reminding however, that in ancient Celtic and Druidic schools, we could only boast the title of druid after 10 or even 20 years of study at the side of an authorized person - there were no courses of today where everything can "learn" enough to pay - so please do not fregiarvi of securities that do not belong there and you would not even be able to demonstrate to those who are prepared.
Another thing to remember is that despite what they say certain self-styled "researchers" in the industry, born with the New Age, this category of knowledge contains within it a dark side, as a whole, and if you are not able to deal with the inner knowledge and preparation, it just right, instead of the dark sides of our knowledge, we the annihilation of the person, resulting in destruction, to varying degrees depending on people of their personality.
They will then also possible infestations of energy "larvae" or pseudo astral demons – that are nothing if not "larvae" self-conscious astral energy with great power and knowledge acquired from other larvae eat - hardly solvable by any expert esoteric, or priest, because if we call an entity within us, not knowing what do, even in the other world is the rule: "Ignorance is not excuses," essentially must you throw out what you have called.
The runes are connected to our ancestral glyphs deepest unconscious, therefore, contain a explosive energy, not so much for what they contain but for what they evoke in each of we. The holiest saints often conceal hideous demons within himself ....


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